Tuesday, June 11 - Erev Shavuot
8:08 PM - Candle Lighting
8:15 PM - Mincha/Ma'ariv
9:00 PM - Kiddush, followed by a light dinner at shul (includes hamotzi)
10:00 PM - Lakeview Tikkun Leil Shavuot at Anshe Emet
Wednesday, June 12 – Shavuot Day 1
4:35 AM - Early Shacharit
9:00 AM - Shacharit, followed by dairy Kiddush in the Social Hall (accessible Kiddush in Beit Midrash)
12:30 PM - Shavuot Family Picnic
3:00 PM - TNT Cheesecake at the Lake
3:00 PM - Kids' Shavuot Learning (ages 7 - 10)
4:00-6:00 PM - Ice Cream Happy Hour at Windy City Sweets
8:15 PM - Mincha/Ma’ariv
9:09 PM - Candle Lighting
Thursday, June 13 – Shavuot Day 2
8:00 AM - Hashkama
9:00 AM - Shacharit
Not before 10:15 AM - Yizkor
11:15 AM - Shiur with Gila Fine, author of The Madwoman in the Rabbi's Attic
11:15 AM - Mini Kids' Kiddush in the Social Hall
12:15 PM - Shavuot BBQ
5:00 PM - Women’s Shavuot Shiur
8:15 PM - Mincha/Ma’ariv
9:09 PM - Havdalah
Click on each photo to learn more!