Adam R. Straus Memorial Mikvah
The Adam R. Straus Memorial Mikvah is an Orthodox mikvah that is open to the entire Jewish community. We welcome those who want to perform the mitzvah of immersion in the mikvah, and our mikvah attendants are here to assist you and support you during the process.
The Mikvah is located within the Anshe Sholom building. There is a separate entrance through a glass door on the back wall of the shul.
The Mikvah is open every night by appointment only. Please email at least 48 hours in advance to schedule an appointment. Please indicate in your email how you would like to be contacted, and we will be in touch as promptly as possible to confirm your appointment time.
Our Mikvah welcomes brides and grooms who wish to immerse in advance of their weddings. If you need a daytime appointment, please contact us at least one week in advance.
Learn more about the Adam R. Straus Memorial Mikvah:
Kelim (vessels) made of metal or glass (and, according to some opinions, glazed china) are immersed in the Mikvah to prepare them for use in a Jewish home. The Kelim Mikvah has a designated entrance on the east side of the building and is open during daylight hours.
A code is required to gain access to the Kelim Mikvah. Please email at least 24 hours in advance to receive an entry code.
Adam R. Straus was a talented young man who had an unwavering love for and commitment to Judaism. His life was tragically cut short, but he has left behind a legacy for Jewish education and spirituality. This mikvah is one way in which his legacy will be fulfilled.
NOTE: This mikvah is not used for conversions.