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  • Anshe Sholom B’nai Israel Adopting Kibbutz Holit
    Holit is a small kibbutz near the southern Gaza border, with about 200 residents as of October 6. The kibbutz was established in 1977 in the Sinai and re-established in its current location in 1982. Holit suffered mass devastation in the terrifying attack on October 7. 13 residents were murdered, and another was kidnapped. Beyond the mental trauma and loss of human life, many of the survivors lost their homes, possessions and livelihood. The community has been displaced, currently living in temporary dwellings in Ein Gedhi near the Dead Sea. They need help and they need to know we care. The direness and tragedy of the situation requires that we all participate in a big way, at a level that is greater than what any of us have done in the past.

    Many of us are looking for ways to help the many victims from the events of October 7, and there are countless worthy causes and organizations that need our support. We have adopted this small kibbutz as a sister community of ASBI, offering immediate and longer-term financial and other support and making a more personal connection along the way.

    Skills/resources you can offer to Kibbutz Holit
    The kibbutz asked what skills/resources members of our community can offer (for example - anybody who would be willing/available to teach English via zoom, anybody willing to bring stuff to the kibbutz when they travel to Israel, anybody willing to volunteer to pick produce from the kibbutz fields...). Please fill out our form HERE to participate.

    If you would like to become more directly involved, including with formulating and executing additional initiatives to support the people of Holit, if you have questions or want to learn more about the kibbutz and its needs, please reach out to Maayan at

  • JUF Emergency Campaign
    The prolonged conflict with Hamas has created intense humanitarian needs in Israel. JUF’s Israel Emergency Campaign is working to address them.
  • Friends of the IDF (FIDF)
    FIDF is the sole 501c3 organization in the USA authorized by the IDF to raise money for the soldiers and is in constant contact with the IDF to support the wellbeing of the brave soldiers. The funding requests come directly from the IDF, and due to the war, these goals and needs are changing daily.
  • United Hatzalah
    United Hatzalah of Israel is the largest independent, non-profit, fully volunteer Emergency Medical Service organization that provides the fastest and free emergency medical first response throughout Israel. United Hatzalah is currently gathering funds to help treat the wounded.
  • From ASBI Security Chair Eran Koren:
    Many of you asked me how you can help. I wanted to offer the opportunity to support my unit, which has been on the front line of fighting since Saturday morning. 

    Unfortunately, we already lost 5 friends (Eli, Roy, Ben, Sagi, Omri). Most of them are reservists, who left their own wives and children, rushing to rescue women and children who've been taken hostage.
    Your donations will help on 3 main fronts:
    -Equipping and sustaining actively deployed teams 
    -Essential care for the unit’s hospitalized soldiers (we have many...)
    -Supporting the families of the unit’s fallen soldiers

    For some context on the unit, click hereFor the donation page through FIDF, click here. You'll get a receipt; it's all tax deductible.
  • MEALuim, from Tzohar:
    MEALuim, from Tzohar: Every day, the spouses and families of our soldiers keep our homefront strong so that our soldiers can focus on the battles before them. We want to help to ease some of their pressures with a weekly hot meal delivered to their homes, while sending the message that we value and support them. We invite you to consider being added to the growing number of supporters of MEALuim worldwide. Please visit for more information about this initiative, and please contact Naama at with any questions or to get involved. 


  • ASBI Member Adam Smoler was interviewed by Chicago Fox news on his experience in Israel during the war. Watch here.

  • You can view a recording of the 10/12/23 gathering at Anshe Emet "We Stand Together" here.


  • ASBI is assembling a team of mental health professionals within our shul community to support those directly impacted. For anyone looking for emotional and/or mental health support or to refer someone who may need such support, please reach out to our ASBI board member Amy Pappas ( 
  • RESOURCES FOR PARENTS AND CAREGIVERS: JCFS clinicians have gathered several resources with guidance about how to support children in the wake of tragedy (like the one in Israel). View them at


We are collecting names of Israeli soldiers and of those who are wounded and those who have been taken hostage. If you have any names to add to the list you can add them to our ASBI Misheberach List for the Israel Crisis:

ASBI Misheberach List for the Israel Crisis















Tue, October 22 2024 20 Tishrei 5785