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From Conflict to Connection: Jewish Wisdom for Healing Divides, An Afternoon with Maharat Midwest

Sunday, January 26, 2025 26 Tevet 5785

12:15 PM - 4:45 PMASBI

We hope you'll join us for a meaningful afternoon of learning in partnership with Yeshivat Maharat! Scroll down to the form below to see the schedule and register or go to the Google Form directly by clicking here.

This program is co-sponsored by Maharat and ASBI, with special thanks to our ASBI sponsors who made it possible for us to offer this program free of charge:
David & Kayleigh Eisenstein
Rabbi Aaron Finkelstein & Julie Sugar

Sidney H. in memory of his mother, Rebecca
Lizzie Janssen
Irene Lehrer Sandalow
Debbie Schwartz
A. Charles Shalman
Isabel Singer (co-sponsoring in honor of her favorite rabbinical student - and wife- Sara Singer)
Rachel Slutsky & Will Kaplowitz
Joshua Stadlan in honor of Rabbi "Aunt Nandy" Marianne Novak
Sarah Unterman
Judith Wolf

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Tue, February 18 2025 20 Shevat 5785